Hypnobirthing Makes All The Difference
What is Hypnobirthing?
Hypnobirthing is a different kind of antenatal education. The techniques focus on releasing fears that block you from having a normal, physiological birth experience and teach you to deeply relax and trust your mind and body to work as one.
It is completely normal to feel anxious and scared as you approach the birth of your baby. You are not alone! And that's why I'm here. When you complete one of my courses, either pre-recorded or live, you will find that Hypnobirthing techniques will really help you to prepare for a calm and confident birth.
There is lots of science and logic behind Hypnobirthing. I will teach you how your body works during labour and birth, how your baby moves during the process and how you will release wonderful birth hormones when you are in a relaxed state.
You always have choices and as long as you practice the techniques you learn on a course regularly, you should remain relaxed, confident and present throughout your birthing journey. Even if there is a fork in the road and you have to follow plan B or even C, Hypnobirthing WILL help you to stay, calm, focused and in control.
For mothers and their partners, who have experienced it, they will tell you it is a wonderful way to give birth and you will acquire skills that will help you and your family for the rest of your life. Hypno-babies tend to be very chilled out souls too, so really it's a win win!
How it works...
Hypnobirthing is for any woman who would like to remain calm and in control during her birth experience. Whether you are feeling anxious from never giving birth before or nervous from a previous birth experience I am here to help you learn the skills to manage your anxieties and feel confident, focused and positive to give birth.
Hypnobirthing is a set of relaxation and fear releasing techniques that help you to feel physically, mentally and spiritually prepared to give birth with confidence, awareness and love.
The knowledge and birth wisdom you will learn on a course will completely shift your mindset and understanding around how women and society view the birth process at a subconscious level, thereby releasing your own fears around birth. From your first class you will learn how to get into a deeply relaxed state, both in mind and body that will support you for the rest of your life.
Through daily relaxation practice you will learn to train your mind and body to work as one, so you can maintain a state of deep relaxation while you are in labour and when you give birth.
When you are in this deeply relaxed state you will be very calm but also fully aware of what is going on within and around you. You will learn how to experience the sensations of birth without panicking and fear will make way for excitement. You will be giving your body permission to do what it does naturally and in doing so your labour should be more comfortable and quicker too!
How it will help you...
Hypnobirthing uses fear releasing techniques and carefully chosen language to help you feel relaxed and empowered to make good decisions, no matter what happens along your birthing journey.
You (and your birth partner) will learn to use tried and tested mindfulness and hypnosis skills including; visualisations, deep breathing techniques, positive affirmations, massage, movement, Rebozo (long shawl) and baby alignment exercises to do during your pregnancy.
With regular practice, these techniques change the neural pathways in your brain, so by the time birth-day arrives your body will be ready to receive all the lovely hormones you need to birth your baby easily and comfortably.
Birthing has become so medicalised these days and unless an intervention is clinically justified it doesn't need to be this way for you. You always have a choice. There are so many negative tales of birth but not every birth is like that, just go to my positive birth stories page to see how Hypnobirthing has helped people.
Hypnobirthing is the KEY to having a relaxing, natural, positive & often enjoyable birth experience. I think you and every other expectant parent deserve to experience the same.
This is your Rite of Passage into motherhood and I want to help you have the best experience possible!
Hypnobirthing in a tipi
“There is power that comes to women when they give birth.
They don't ask for it. It simply invades them. Accumulates like clouds on the horizon & passes through, carrying the child with it.”
— Sheryl Fieldman
“Our course, via Zoom, was just great. Sofie is really funny, knowledgeable and so supportive. We felt very relaxed and learnt so much from her. I looked forward to every session. I am practising the techniques every day and I already feel a massive shift in how I feel. I am really excited about birth now and I NEVER thought I’d say that :)”