This is me, my hubby Tony & our Hypno-babes Bonnie & Theo 💗
Hello I’m Sofie & I am an experienced Hypnobirthing Teacher & a Somatic & Energy Birth Trauma Therapist
I want to share with you the secrets of how you can have a peaceful, gentle and even enjoyable birth experience for you and your baby.
​I am a fully qualified & award winning (ooh I say Mrs!) Hypnobirthing Teacher and although I now live on the beautiful Isle of Wight I have taught almost 2,000 expectant parents in Sussex, nationwide and worldwide since 2012 through my business Brighton and Hove Hypnobirthing. You can see what folk think by clicking below…
I also help people heal from birth trauma.
When I work with clients I like to use a HOLISTIC approach to balance the mind, body & spirit for greater healing, so my training, qualifications & experience include the following THERAPEUTIC & SOMATIC modalities:
KG Hypnobirthing Teacher training (2012)
Certified Trainer & Coach
Certificate in Contemporary Psychotherapy
Neuro Linguistic Programmingâ„¢ (NLP)
Emotional Freedom Tappingâ„¢ (EFT)
Matrix Reimprintingâ„¢ (MR)
Heal Your Birthâ„¢ (HYB) formally Matrix Birth Reimprinting
Matrix Past Life Practitioner
The Light Matrix (working in higher vibrational Consciousness with your ancestors and guides to heal intergenerational & past life trauma)
Counselling Skills & Studies - Levels 2&3
Reiki Holy Fire I & II
The 3-Step Rewind Technique
Breathwork Coach with YogaBodyâ„¢
Colour In Your Heart (vibrational healing with colour)
Brainspottingâ„¢ Phase 1
Homeopathy for pregnancy, childbirth & postpartum
If you want to heal from a traumatic birth experience, or you feel you are not living your best life because of the birth experience you had or if you are experiencing the pain from baby loss (miscarriage or abortion) I will work with your own energy and subconscious and sometimes preconscious memories to help you make transformational and profound shifts in your life.
This work is so powerful and effective it often only takes a few sessions to see big results.
Over the last 25 years I have been a trainer, coach, mentor and holistic therapist. Working in the field of Mindfulness and personal development in the UK and abroad.
I have always specialised in working with women including; BME groups, teenage mothers, homeless women, sex workers, substance users; domestic violence groups, lone parents, the long term unemployed, asylum seekers, corporate and not for profit teams, SEOs and many more people either privately or in groups.
My passion & my curiosity have always been how to best support women to become confident and strong; to trust themselves, their own inner power and innate wisdom. I feel very privileged to support birthing women & their partners & be part of a growing positive birth movement that is helping to change & improve the landscape of birthing for all families.
If you are interested in Hypnobirthing my teaching approach is fun, relaxed and supportive. I can confidently combine my experience and knowledge to offer you (and your birth partner) all the tools you need to build a positive and confident mindset, a fresh perspective to childbirth and a calm path into parenthood.
The most important experiences in my life were giving birth to each of my babies using Hypnobirthing. They were both such empowering & profound experiences that they changed me and my purpose in life forever!
I believe every expectant mother should know about Hypnobirthing and I want to show you that by having an open mind and investing some time in yourself before your baby's birth, enormous benefits will be given to you, your partner and your baby for the rest of your lives.
I am always happy to have a chat, just give me a call/text or WhatsApp 07595603218 or drop me a line
I hope to speak to you soon.
Love and relaxation
Sofie x
BA Hons. DipHb, MHbA
Follow me on Instagram @sofierutherford for musings on mindful birthing, parenting and high vibe chat!