Further Support &
Evidence based birthing information
AIMs - The Association for Improvements of the Midwifery Services - evidence & research & booklets
NICE - National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
NHS - information and support about labour and birth
Birth Practice & Politics Forum - activism on improving maternity care
Evidence Based Birth - US based website on non-biased, current & evidence based information on pregnancy & birth
Sara Wickham - Midwife, author, speaker, researcher on evidence based birth
Dr Sarah Buckley - GP, author, researcher, speaker, especially about hormones in childbirth
Pregnancy & Hypnobirthing Apps
FREYA Hypnobirthing app - if you want to time your surges and keep relaxed with birthing affirmations
iHypnoBirth - a lovely app to help you relax and support you to have a positive birthing experience
Support & Community
The Positive Birth Movement - linking communities and spreading positive messages about childbirth
VBAC info (vaginal births after a c-section)
VBAC information - this is an American website on vaginal births after a c-section and it contains lots of useful information
Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists - Birth after a previous Caesarean Birth
Breech babies
Spinning Babies - lots of info and techniques about turning a breech baby & getting your baby in the optimal position for birth
Placenta info
The Placenta Remedies Network - everything you need to know about what to do with your placenta after birth