The benefits of using a rebozo (shawl) during pregancy, labour & postpartum

A rebozo is a traditional Mexican shawl or scarf that has been used for centuries to support women during pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum. Here are some potential benefits of using a rebozo during pregnancy and childbirth:

1. Comfort: Using a rebozo during pregnancy can provide physical comfort and support. It can be used to support the belly, relieve lower back pain, or to provide warmth and comfort.

2. Relaxation: During labour, a rebozo can be used to provide relaxation and comfort. For example, it can be used to support the mother's body during surges, or to provide a gentle rocking motion.

3. Positioning: A rebozo can be used to help the mother change positions during labour, which can help to promote progress and relieve discomfort.

4. Massage: A rebozo can be used to provide gentle massage during labour, which can help to promote relaxation and reduce pain.

5. Baby positioning: Using a rebozo during labour can help to encourage the baby into a favorable position for delivery, which can help to reduce the likelihood of complications.

6. Bonding: Using a rebozo can help to promote bonding between the mother, partner, and support team. It can provide an opportunity for touch and physical connection.

Overall, using a rebozo during pregnancy and childbirth can provide comfort, relaxation, and support, and may help to promote a positive birth experience. It's important to work with a trained professional who can guide you on the proper use of a rebozo and ensure that it is used safely and effectively.

More more information on how to use your rebozo please check out the links and videos below. courses & fairtrade rebozos to buy (UK based)


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