3 Step Rewind for Birth Trauma Recovery - via Zoom


“Shift heavy emotions connected to difficult memories of any traumatic experience, so you can feel lighter & more optimistic about your future”

The 3-Step Rewind Method is a gentle and safe way to lift heavy and suppressing feelings and emotions that can remain after a difficult or traumatic birth, baby loss, postnatal or breastfeeding experience, or any other perinatal trauma. It also works for extreme phobias including; needles, Tokophobia (extreme fear of childbirth/and or pregnancy) or c-section delivery.

The 3 Step Rewind has its roots in NLP (Neuro-linguistic programming) and uses guided relaxation, language, visualisation and reframing to enable you to reduce and even eliminate uncomfortable emotions and replace them with a sense of lightness and positivity about your future.

As you are guided through these relaxing and effective steps, over 3 separate sessions, you will find that you naturally activate your own ability to heal yourself and are no longer held hostage by difficult emotions of the past.

How does this process work?

Your brain is amazing but sometimes, if something difficult and upsetting happens, the amygdala, which lies In the base of the brain and manages your fight/flight response to environmental stimulus, isn't able to process emotions correctly and therefore store them in the right place. So, if we have experienced something difficult or traumatic the amygdala tries to protect us by not sending these emotions to a different part of our brain, the neocortex, to be stored and filed away in the long-term memory bank. This means that when an experience we perceive to be traumatic isn't processed properly, our brain replays it on a loop, in the short-term memory, rather than sending it off to be filed, thereby making us relive those painful memories and emotions over and over again.

The 3-Step Rewind does not change your memory, only the emotions that were associated with it no longer controls you.
This process takes place over three sessions, each, one week apart.

Session 1 - approx 90 minutes
REFLECTION – in this session you are supported to reflect on your past memory (either by sharing your story if you want to OR just talking about the emotions that are upsetting you). Through guided relaxation, you will be encouraged to think about the way you would like to feel as you start to work through the 3-step process.**

Session 2 - approx 60 minutes
REWIND – this is the Rewind process itself. Here we go through a long guided relaxation in a way that enables you to feel at a safe distance from your memory and feelings. Although you will be in a deeply relaxed state you will be completely aware of what is going on around you, so if you want to stop, we will stop and return to the relaxation before we proceed again.

Session 3 - approx 60 minutes
REFRAMING THE FUTURE – in this session we de-brief how you have felt since the Rewind and I guide you through relaxation to anchor how you would like to feel in the future. Creating a happier, lighter more positive version of yourself.

This treatment will help alleviate painful feelings about a traumatic event, weeks, months and even years after the event happened. However, if your traumatic memory is very severe you may require further sessions with a qualified mental health professional, psychologist, hypnotherapist or psychotherapist.*

*You are responsible for your well-being during a session and to advise me of any additional treatment or medication you are on by completing a signed client form before your session commences.

3 Step Rewind Session

“Shift heavy emotions connected to difficult memories of any traumatic experience, so you can feel lighter & more optimistic about your future”

The 3-Step Rewind Method is a gentle and safe way to lift heavy and suppressing feelings and emotions that can remain after a difficult or traumatic birth, baby loss, postnatal or breastfeeding experience, or any other perinatal trauma. It also works for extreme phobias including; needles, Tokophobia (extreme fear of childbirth/and or pregnancy) or c-section delivery.

The 3 Step Rewind has its roots in NLP (Neuro-linguistic programming) and uses guided relaxation, language, visualisation and reframing to enable you to reduce and even eliminate uncomfortable emotions and replace them with a sense of lightness and positivity about your future.

As you are guided through these relaxing and effective steps, over 3 separate sessions, you will find that you naturally activate your own ability to heal yourself and are no longer held hostage by difficult emotions of the past.

How does this process work?

Your brain is amazing but sometimes, if something difficult and upsetting happens, the amygdala, which lies In the base of the brain and manages your fight/flight response to environmental stimulus, isn't able to process emotions correctly and therefore store them in the right place. So, if we have experienced something difficult or traumatic the amygdala tries to protect us by not sending these emotions to a different part of our brain, the neocortex, to be stored and filed away in the long-term memory bank. This means that when an experience we perceive to be traumatic isn't processed properly, our brain replays it on a loop, in the short-term memory, rather than sending it off to be filed, thereby making us relive those painful memories and emotions over and over again.

The 3-Step Rewind does not change your memory, only the emotions that were associated with it no longer controls you.
This process takes place over three sessions, each, one week apart.

Session 1 - approx 90 minutes
REFLECTION – in this session you are supported to reflect on your past memory (either by sharing your story if you want to OR just talking about the emotions that are upsetting you). Through guided relaxation, you will be encouraged to think about the way you would like to feel as you start to work through the 3-step process.**

Session 2 - approx 60 minutes
REWIND – this is the Rewind process itself. Here we go through a long guided relaxation in a way that enables you to feel at a safe distance from your memory and feelings. Although you will be in a deeply relaxed state you will be completely aware of what is going on around you, so if you want to stop, we will stop and return to the relaxation before we proceed again.

Session 3 - approx 60 minutes
REFRAMING THE FUTURE – in this session we de-brief how you have felt since the Rewind and I guide you through relaxation to anchor how you would like to feel in the future. Creating a happier, lighter more positive version of yourself.

This treatment will help alleviate painful feelings about a traumatic event, weeks, months and even years after the event happened. However, if your traumatic memory is very severe you may require further sessions with a qualified mental health professional, psychologist, hypnotherapist or psychotherapist.*

*You are responsible for your well-being during a session and to advise me of any additional treatment or medication you are on by completing a signed client form before your session commences.