Group Hypnobirthing via Zoom


Next group Zoom course

Saturdays 10am - 12pm

1, 8, 15, 22 & 29 July

This is a group course delivered over 5, 2-hour sessions via Zoom, so you can learn these methods anywhere in the world from the comfort of your own home.

Learn how to release any fears you have around birth so that you can approach your birthing experience feeling calm, confident and in control.

You will receive a full Hypnobirthing and antenatal education about what happens to your body during the birth process, your baby's path to birth and what happens in the 'golden hour' after birth, so there is no need to do any other antenatal program.

I will guide you through deeply relaxing self-hypnosis exercises and visualisations that you will practice during and between sessions.

We will work to release any fears or negative emotions you have around birth and/or parenthood so that you are confident to let go fully and 'feel' your birth experience positively, rather than fear it.

I will ensure you are given all the important information you need, to feel confident and empowered to make the right choices for you and your family regarding how and where to birth your baby. When the time comes to have your baby everything you have learned and practised should harmonise together, so you can turn your 'thinking brain' off and trust your body to let your baby come through; safely and easily.

I will also be there to support you via phone/email/text until your little one is born, so consider me part of your birth team!

You are welcome to do the classes alone, however, I do encourage you to bring a birth partner, so you can practice the techniques together and support each other throughout your birthing journey.

You will receive…

  • 4 Hypnobirthing sessions covering everything you need to know about Hypnobirthing - 8 hours

  • 1 session on breastfeeding & how to have a great fourth trimester/postnatal experience - 2 hours

  • A group catch-up and birth de-brief after your baby has arrived - via Zoom

  • A full antenatal education about what to expect during labour and birth

  • Fear release work around birth concerns so you can look forward to giving birth with confidence & calm

  • How to align your baby during pregnancy to get your little one in the best position for birth

  • Understanding how the bonding process starts during pregnancy and how you can strengthen this relationship; thereby laying a wonderful foundation for you and your baby from day one

  • Relaxation techniques to practice and improve your confidence between sessions and leading up to birth-day

  • Breathing techniques to use throughout labour and birth

  • Learn how to birth without hurting your perineum

  • Visualisation skills and birth affirmations to support you on your path to birth

  • Birth positions, yoga, massage and Rebozo (long wide scarf) techniques you can practice with your birth partner

  • Support with your birth wishes and managing expectations/scenarios directed by the medical profession

  • Everything you need to know about creating a supportive and relaxing environment wherever you choose to birth. I especially encourage home birthers.

  • A lovely guided relaxation will close each session; helping you get into a calm state of mind ​& support you in your own self-practice

  • Hypnobirthing relaxations & birth affirmation MP3s to listen to as often as possible to help you get into a positive state of mind for birth

  • A Mindful Guided Pregnancy Journal for you to print off and use to write and reflect on your pregnancy, birth and motherhood journey will be sent to you as a downloadable PDF

  • A Hypnobirthing Handbook full of useful information, posters, check-lists and affirmations to support your practice will be sent to you as a downloadable PDF

  • On-going support via phone, WhatsApp or email to answer any questions or concerns leading up to your baby's birth ​

Book Group Course

Next group Zoom course

Saturdays 10am - 12pm

1, 8, 15, 22 & 29 July

This is a group course delivered over 5, 2-hour sessions via Zoom, so you can learn these methods anywhere in the world from the comfort of your own home.

Learn how to release any fears you have around birth so that you can approach your birthing experience feeling calm, confident and in control.

You will receive a full Hypnobirthing and antenatal education about what happens to your body during the birth process, your baby's path to birth and what happens in the 'golden hour' after birth, so there is no need to do any other antenatal program.

I will guide you through deeply relaxing self-hypnosis exercises and visualisations that you will practice during and between sessions.

We will work to release any fears or negative emotions you have around birth and/or parenthood so that you are confident to let go fully and 'feel' your birth experience positively, rather than fear it.

I will ensure you are given all the important information you need, to feel confident and empowered to make the right choices for you and your family regarding how and where to birth your baby. When the time comes to have your baby everything you have learned and practised should harmonise together, so you can turn your 'thinking brain' off and trust your body to let your baby come through; safely and easily.

I will also be there to support you via phone/email/text until your little one is born, so consider me part of your birth team!

You are welcome to do the classes alone, however, I do encourage you to bring a birth partner, so you can practice the techniques together and support each other throughout your birthing journey.

You will receive…

  • 4 Hypnobirthing sessions covering everything you need to know about Hypnobirthing - 8 hours

  • 1 session on breastfeeding & how to have a great fourth trimester/postnatal experience - 2 hours

  • A group catch-up and birth de-brief after your baby has arrived - via Zoom

  • A full antenatal education about what to expect during labour and birth

  • Fear release work around birth concerns so you can look forward to giving birth with confidence & calm

  • How to align your baby during pregnancy to get your little one in the best position for birth

  • Understanding how the bonding process starts during pregnancy and how you can strengthen this relationship; thereby laying a wonderful foundation for you and your baby from day one

  • Relaxation techniques to practice and improve your confidence between sessions and leading up to birth-day

  • Breathing techniques to use throughout labour and birth

  • Learn how to birth without hurting your perineum

  • Visualisation skills and birth affirmations to support you on your path to birth

  • Birth positions, yoga, massage and Rebozo (long wide scarf) techniques you can practice with your birth partner

  • Support with your birth wishes and managing expectations/scenarios directed by the medical profession

  • Everything you need to know about creating a supportive and relaxing environment wherever you choose to birth. I especially encourage home birthers.

  • A lovely guided relaxation will close each session; helping you get into a calm state of mind ​& support you in your own self-practice

  • Hypnobirthing relaxations & birth affirmation MP3s to listen to as often as possible to help you get into a positive state of mind for birth

  • A Mindful Guided Pregnancy Journal for you to print off and use to write and reflect on your pregnancy, birth and motherhood journey will be sent to you as a downloadable PDF

  • A Hypnobirthing Handbook full of useful information, posters, check-lists and affirmations to support your practice will be sent to you as a downloadable PDF

  • On-going support via phone, WhatsApp or email to answer any questions or concerns leading up to your baby's birth ​